I went from an easy, hurried, low-maintenance facial cleaning ritual to trying out the Asian 10 step skincare routine. Being raised in New York City has damaged and polluted my skin; I'm now repairing and focusing on anti-aging.
I want to buy and use products from a broad number of brands, I didn't just want to stick with one brand, I shopped around and compared all. I will try to write reviews each month, one which will be a list my skincare routine products, sharing my experiences on each product.
Benefit boi-ing cakeless concealer in shade 2
Better than shape tape!!!
I didn't think that I would use this as much as I did because I wasn't a fan of their Happy foundation.
This is a concealer that I use when I'm going foundation-free and in my opinion the coverage is better than foundation. This is the first product that have held up during 95F and humidity. It brightens my skin and after a couple uses I have decluttered most of my foundations and use this instead.
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