I went from an easy, hurried, low-maintenance facial cleaning ritual to trying out the Asian 10 step skincare routine. Being raised in New York City has damaged and polluted my skin; I'm now repairing and focusing on anti-aging.
I want to buy and use products from a broad number of brands, I didn't just want to stick with one brand, I shopped around and compared all. I will try to write reviews each month, one which will be a list my skincare routine products, sharing my experiences on each product.
Tatcha radiant deep brightening serum
I brought this because I wanted to start getting into Tatcha skincare. This is my 3rd product after the water cream and the wash off mask. It is milky and nice but not worth the hefty price tag in my opinion. It does feel luxurious, great for my sensitive skin and I use it as a night serum. But I wouldn't repurchase this and I think this item is discontinued because I don't see it on the website anymore.
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